01 Feb
Fascia is the soft tissue component of connective tissue in our bodies. There are many different types and textures of fascia, but the one Iā€™m referring to here is superficial fascia. It surrounds and fills all of our body much like a layer of webbing, padding, stuffing ā€¦ whatever you wish to call it to help you visualise it.
Actually the best way to help you to get a good picture of fascia is to look at an orange.šŸ‘
The orange coloured peel is like our skin.
The juicy orange coloured segments are like our organs.
The white layer directly under the orange layer, surrounding each segment, and even sending tendrils into the segments forming smaller pockets is called the pith. That bit is like our fascia!
Over time, as the fruit ages, the pith and skin become less supple. Just so over time, or without the proper care our fascia can become less flexible, more tight, less supple, more stiff.
There are a number of types of manual bodywork which can assist to restore some of that lost flexibility and release some of that tight dryness...MAP MOVEMENT is one of them!
Providing you and your body with the deep relaxation that is introduced during your MAP Movement session and classes, plus the physical work that is done on your whole body including your feet which sends a restorative ripple through your entire fascia ā€¦. that is how MAP could help! It also teaches you how to introduce movement into your own body suit so that you can stay healthy and walk in power all the time.

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